Thomas White - LGB Locomotives Specialist
Workmanship Guaranteed
LGB Trains, Parts and Accessories, LGB Locomotive Repairs, DCC/DC Sound Decoder Sales and Installations
226 Gap Road, Strasburg, PA 17579
Telephone: 717-687-0464
Email: stsinfo@choochoobarn.com
Website: etrainshop
To buy an item send an email with the item, and your name, address, and telephone number: I will then send you an invoice to your email address for the item plus shipping costs......you can pay by credit card, PayPal, or Zelle bank transfer. Shipping will be by the most economical method based upon weight and size and insurance: USPS Ground Advantage ($4.00 & up); USPS Priority Mail ($8 & up); or for large & heavy items FedEx Home Delivery/Ground.
To place a special order for an item in the LGB Catalogs - Contact me for a price quote
Most Items Can Be Dropped Shipped Directly to You from the LGB Marklin Distributer



LGB 65000 - series DC/DCC Digital Sound Modules
LGB 65011 Power Storage Unit for LGB Sound Modules - Improves Operating Sounds at Slow Speeds using DC/Analog Power
LGB 65001 American Steam Locomotive Module or LGB 65003 American Diesel Locomotive Sound Module. Operates on either DC or DCC power. Comes with either a built-in volume control unit or a plug-in volume control unit. Additional LGB Accessories can be plugged into the unit: LGB 65012 Sound Activation Trigger/Reed Switch to activate the Whistle/Horn and Bell using track magnets; the LGB 65011 Power Storage Unit to power the LGB Sound Module at slow speeds and when stopping. Other LGB Sound Modules are available: European Steam; European Diesel; and European Electric.

How to Install the LGB 65001 Sound Module into an LGB Mogul Locomotive's Tender
for Best Sound Fidelity

Install first the Visaton 70mm 2 Watt 8 Ohm Speaker to the tender's base.......fill the open gaps around the speaker with epoxy putty. Open the Sound Board's black plastic case to remove the circuit board......unsolder the two blue wires from the speaker. Use heavy duty velro to isolate and mount the crcuit board on top of the speaker. Solder the blue speaker wires to the installed speaker; connect the volume controller wires plug to the circuit board. Install an LGB 65012 Mogul Sound Module Function Trigger to the front truck and connect the cable/plug to the circuit board. Last, mount the LGB 65011 Power Storage Unit to the tender's base with Velcro and connect it to the circuit board. Next solder a set of two wires to one of the track power black and red push pins connectors......the first connector set on the left is usually front or rear truck track power pins; then connect the + positive to the right screw terminal on the circuit board and the - negative to the left terminal. You can now test your installation on DC track power. You'll need to make the adjustment to the Sound Module CV Setting using a DCC System to sync the chuff sounds with the Mogul's wheels movement......see CV chart in Sound Module User Guide. All parts components are available and shown on my Website. Contact me if you have questions on your installation. Note, there's a video of this type sound installation into a Mogul shown on the Homepage videos at the bottom.

Massoth 8293001 eMotion Melody Module - DC/DCC Programmable sound module to play sounds in locomotives, train cars, layout buildings. It can play up to 12 different sounds.
Bridge Rectifier - DC Voltage Boost Regulator with 12 Inch Current Output Wire
On older LGB locomotives with 18v. smoke units, this Regulator will boost the voltage input for better operating performance even at slow locomotive operating speed. Or you can boost the voltage for certain LED lights that have factory-installed resistors such as the Massoth LED Spot Light 5 - 24 volts......see example of one installed into an Mogul locomotive's Cab in the photo below.
LGB 17050 Sound Trigger Magnet
LGB 17010 Magnet for Mounting under Locomotive

Bridge Rectifier - DC Voltage Boost Regulator with 12 Inch Current Output Wire - $20
Bridge Rectifier - DC/DCC Adjustable Voltage Step-up/Step-down Boost Regulator. The Bridge Rectifier allows the Regulator to work in both forward and reverse polarity from your DC analog track layout. Install this unit into your older LGB 2020 Stainz locomotive with 18 volts smoke unit, or install a 22 volts LED light into your LGB Mogul locomotive's cab, or install lights into your passenger train cars. This unit will provide bright lights or strong smoke even when your locomotive runs at slow operating speeds. See the video of an LGB Stainz operating with the Boost Regulator installed to the 18v. smoker unit. Wiring Instructions are provided with the unit. Or, Old Dominion Railways can also do the installation work for you. The third photo below shows a Massoth 22 Volts LED Spot Light installed into an LGB 2028D Mogul's Engineer Cab using this DC Voltage Regulator.
Note: LED screw-base light bulbs are also available on this page to replace the 18v. incandescent light bulbs in your older Stainz locomotives. These LED bulbs will provide bright light even when your locomotive operates at slow speeds.
Bridge Rectifier - DC Voltage Boost Regulator Specifications: Brand - Jacobs Parts; Input Voltage: 5 - 32V DC; Adjustable Output Voltage: 1.25 - 32V; Max Output Current: 3A; Max Power: 25W (additional cooling required for over 20W); 400KHz Switching Frequency; 50mV Output ripple; ±0.5% Load Regulation; Up to 94% efficiency (depending on the voltage difference between input and output); Dimensions: 49x24x12mm.
A smaller DC Boost Bridge Diode Regulator is also available; Size: 30x12x5mm; $20 each. The photo below shows this Regulator placed into the rear compartment of a Stainz locomotive anc connected to the 18 volts smoke generator.
Also available are DC Step-down Regulators with Bridge Diodes installed for limiting the current to a device such as LEDs. See the Lighting section down further on this page for the two Step-down Regulators, specifications and pricing.

Voltage Test of DC Boost Regulator: Photo #1 Track Power Input at 4.5 volts; Photo #2 Regulator Output 18 volts connected to an 18 volts LGB smoke unit.

ML-Train DC Analog Motor Start-up Delay Unit - $30
This device delays the start-up voltage to a value adjustable via potentiometer (rotary controller). A locomotive without control usually starts at about 2-3 V transformer voltage. Due to the installation of the control system, the journey is delayed. The control simply consumes the additional voltage when starting off. When driving faster, the control switches off again, so that the locomotive almost reaches its maximum speed. The starting voltage can be set separately for forward and backward driving. The lighting works when stationary before the locomotive leaves. It is also possible to adjust the voltage appropriately, so that our SUSI converter analog/digital 80600100 with our SX6 sound module plays the stationary noise appropriately when stationary. The start-up behavior is perfectly adapted to the sound.
Connection With old gearboxes with 3 cables, these can be connected directly to the start-up delay. With 4-pole gearboxes, the yellow cable is automatically bridged with the white cable on the start-up delay, i.e. the motor is connected to the track on one side. Only 2-pole gearboxes have to be converted in such a way that at least 1 engine connection is separated from the track. On a two motor block locomotive, two of these devices must be installed.
Note: For a two motor block locomotive, you will need to install two of these Delay Units, one for each motor block.

Massoth 8242052 eMotion 6 Volts Fixed Voltage Regulator. Use these regulators to reduce the DC or DCC output voltage for your locomotive's 5v. Lights or 5v. Smoke Generator.Power Input: 0 - 24Volts DC, DCC or AC. Output voltage: 5.8; 6.0 Volts Max. Output amperage: 700mAmps (peak: 1000mAmps) Pull-up resistors: 2x 3.3 KOhms
Size: 28mmx15mmx10mm
$15 each; $28 2 Pack
MDE 035 6 Volts Voltage Regulator Fixed Output. Use for 5v. Smoke Generators or 5v. Light Bulbs. Specifications: Supply Voltage: 0-24 V. DC/DCC/AC; Output voltage: 6 Volts; Output Current 1.5A (Short-term 2.0A); Pull-up Resistors for Servos 1 kΩ each (integration for 2 servos)
Size: 24x20x20mm
LGB End-of-Track Bumper and Accessories

CL60063 5 Volt Fixed Voltage Regulator for Supply Voltage 0 - 24 Volts DC/DCC/AC.
The voltage limiter was specially developed for steam locomotives from the LGB® start sets. These locomotives have an 18 volt smoke insert as standard, which only steams at a relatively high speed. With the help of the voltage limiter and a 5 volt smoke insert, the locomotive can steam even at low speeds. Clocked control in which no power is lost in the form of heat compared to older circuits. In addition to the smoke insert, a maximum of 3 micro plug-in bulbs can be connected.
Size: 45mmx28mmx15mm
LGB 10310 Standard Lighted Bumper - Fits on top of an LGB track. The light fixtures two wires must be connected to the track for power, or powered by the AC output of your transformer.

Massoth 8100520 Solid Brass Track Wire Clamps with soldering tabs for LGB Track - Use to wire track power to switch decoders, signals, reverse loops, track blocks, etc
$2 each; $15 - 10 Pack; $22.00 - 20 Pack
LGB 10310 Lighted Track Bumper. Old Dominion Railways has custom-fabricated onto an LGB 12 Inch Track the Lighted Bumper. The installed Step-Up Boost Converter Power Supply/Bridge Diode Rectifier provides constant voltage for the 18 volts light. Just connect the track to your layout and the Track Bumper light will be activated with a a bright light even when you run your LGB train at slow speeds.
For DC/Analog Power Only -
LGB 10345 Automatic End-to-End Shuttle Controller - Run your locomotive or trolley back and forth on a straight track - Wait time settings - For DC/Analog Use Only

Massoth 8431001 Auto End-to-End Shuttle for DC/Analog Operation. Stop times at each end of track sections is adjustable 2 - 240 seconds. Acceleration & braking are controlled by fixed preset speed curves. This module fits and can be mounted inside the LGB 10310 Track Bumper shown above with four screws. Easy installation to your track using the wire connectors and two insulated rail clamps.
ML-TRAIN # 84003016 produced in Germany. Automatic End-to-End Shuttle Module for DC-Analog or DCC Operation. Locomotive stop times at each end of shuttle back and forth track section is adjustable 2 seconds to 4 minutes. Acceleration & braking times are also adjustable on the unit. The Module can mounted inside the LGB 10310 Track Bumper shown above with four screws. Further settings and adjustments can be programmed using a DCC command station. The User Guide and CV Setting Guide are in German which can be translated to English using a free Web-based document translator.

LGB 51960 American Semaphore with ELP Operating Drive - Like New Condition

This control box can be used to operate up to four LGB turnouts, signals, uncoupler tracks, or other accessories. Each momentary rocker switch operates an accessory item. This control box is connected to a source of alternating current (18 volts) by means of the connections on the rear of the control box. The 60130 Converter is required when using a switched mode power pack (51090 or 51985). An LED indicates whether the control box is being supplied with current. Color-coded connections on the rear of the control box facilitate connections. Adhesive labels are included to identify what is connected to a switch on the control box. 126 x 116 x 66 mm / 5“ x 4-9/16” x 2-5/8“. This control box replaces item number 51750

LGB 10560 Electric Uncoupler 150mm Brass

This control box can be used to operate up to four LGB turnouts, signals, uncoupler tracks, or other accessories. Each momentary rocker switch operates an accessory item. This control box is connected to a source of alternating current (18 volts) by means of the connections on the rear of the control box. The 60130 Converter is required when using a switched mode power pack (51090 or 51985). An LED indicates whether the control box is being supplied with current. Color-coded connections on the rear of the control box facilitate connections. Adhesive labels are included to identify what is connected to a switch on the control box. 126 x 116 x 66 mm / 5“ x 4-9/16” x 2-5/8“. This control box replaces item number 51750

LGB Track Planning & Technical Guide by Robert Munzing 1987
LGB-sponsored guide on track plans and techniques using LGB's ELP track blocks, automatic trains control and wiring methods for DC analog powered track layouts. Hardback book 255 pages.
Like-New Condition

LGB/Marklin 60195 Approx. 5 Amps 22 Volts DC Switched Mode Power Supply - Use with LGB 51079 or LGB 51070
5 amp Throttle. The power output cable has a DIN plug that connects to the DIN socket on the LGB 51079 DC Throttle Controller shown.
Brand New - 2 Year Warranty

LGB 51079 - DC/Analog Throttle-Controller, 5 amps, 0-24 Volts use with LGB/Marklin 60195 DC Power Supply. The Throttle Controller comes with a set of LGB track power connecting cables for providing the power to your track layout. For wireless capability, connect LGB 55055/55016/55050 or Massoth Navigator/Receiver.
Brand New - 2 Year Warranty

LGB 51099 18 Volts 2 Amp Starter Set/Small Locomotive Controller. Requires a DC Power Supply such as the Marklin 66267 18v. 2 Amps DC Power Supply.

Marklin 66367 DC 18 Volts 2 Amp Switching Power Supply. For multiple uses where a 2 Amp 18v. DC Power Supply is required.

Note: You can operate your DC Track layout with wireless control by connecting a Massoth 8131001 Wireless Receiver to the LGB 51079 Throttle. You then use a Massoth 8134801 Wireless Navigator Controller to control your train's operation. Both units are available for sale on the Massoth DCC Decoders & Components page.

Marklin 60200 Connector Adapter Cable for Use with the Marklin 60195 DC Power Supply with Older LGB Controller Throttles. Connects to the Power Supply's Din-plug and Wires Connecd to the LGB or Other Brand DC Controller Throttles.
ESU 50119 DC Power Supply 7 Amps Adjustable DC Voltage Output 15 - 21 Volts
This ESU 50119 DC Power Suppply can be used with any model trains accessories that require powerful DC power supply with an output of 15 - 21 volts DC, such as the LGB Throttles/Controllers. The output voltage can be adjusted between 15V and 21V by a turn knob on the back of the unit and remains stable under load. The output current has a maximum capacity of 7 Amps. An integral, temperature controlled fan provides cooling, if necessary. The power pack automatically switches off in case of a short circuit or overload and restarts once the overload has been eliminated. This this the same Power Supply that is furnished with the ESU Command Stations (ECOS and CabControl) and the ECOSBoost booster.
A connector plug is provided for use with accessories using wire connections.
$80 - In Stock

LGB 50081 0-24 Volts 1 Amp DC Transformer. Suitable for LGB Starter Set Trains. For large locomotives such as an LGB Mogul and other 2-motor locomotives, you need a DC power supply of at least 2 Amps.
Used Excellent Condition
LGB 50111 6 Amp 20 Volts AC Power Supply - Use Only with LGB 51070
5 amp AC/DC Throttle-Controller which converts the AC Current to DC Current. Or use it to power your track layout's AC Current LGB track switch motors or building lights.
Used Excellent Condition

Massoth 8135301 19 Volts 4.7 Amps DC Switching Power Supply - Use for LGB DC/Analog Throttles and Massoth and ESU PC Programming Modules and Piko DCC Command Station

LGB 50160 Track Power Cable
CL60037 Push-Pin Metal Wire Connectors for LGB Locomotive Motor Blocks & LGB Ball Bearing Wheels
$2.50 - 5 Pack; $5 - 10 Pack
MLT 8900110 Wire Solder Lugs - Use for Track Power Connectors and with Massoth Brass Rail Joiners
$2.50 - 5 Pack; $5 - 10 Pack
LGB 50131 Wire Terminal Pins
$5 - 25 Pack

Uxcell A18033 2-Conductor Wire Red-Black 26 AWG for Wiring Locomotive & Passenger Car Lights, Smoke Generators, etc. Tin-plated Multi-Strand Copper 0.12TS x 2; Rated Temperature: 80 Degree; Rated Voltage: 300V.
$.35 per foot; or 20 feet $6.50

LGB 50140 Black/White 2-Conductor Wire for Connecting Layout Lights, Control Devices and Accessories - 20 AWG
$24 - 65 Feet or
$.50 per foot

LGB 51233 White/Black 2-Conductor Wire for AC Track Power Cable - 14 AWG - $24 - 49 Feet or
$.50 per foot

LGB 51235 Red/Black 2-Conductor Wire Track Power Cable - 20 AWG - $24 - 65 Feet or
$.50 per foot
DCC Specialties RRampMeter IV - Measures DC/DCC/AC VOLTS & AMPS -
"The Essential Tool" for Large G Scale Model Trains Hobbyists

Accurately measures DCC, AC and DC Volts and Amps! DCC - 38.6 V, 18-20 A; DC - 38.6 V, 18-20 A; AC - 27.6 V, 18-20 A; PCB length 5.63"; Enclosure length 4", width 2", height 1.25" The amazing RRampMeter designed for Model Railroaders by DCC Specialties does what no other meter can do! Easy walk-around measurements of layout voltage drops, accurate booster output setup to optimum voltages for decoders and sound units.
LGB Locomotive Maintenance/Repair Items Used by Old Dominion Railways
These Items are Available for Purchase

Massoth 8319401 - Gear Grease for LGB Locomotive Motor Blocks
$13 - 1.8 oz tube

Liberty Oil 100% Synthetic Oil with 1 1/2 inch Stainless Steel Needle-tip Applicator - Use on LGB Locomotive Drive Rod Joints - Plastic & Painted Surfaces Safe. Reduces Friction; Long-lasting
$12 - 1 oz plastic bottle

AGC Sil-Glyde Silicone Lubricant - Excellent long-lasting for locomotive wheel axles and train car wheels axle inserts into the truck support
$8.50 - 1.5 oz tube

Permatex Dielectric Grease - Protects Brass Rail Joints from Corrosion
$5.75 - 3 oz tube

Zap Rail-Zip2 - Inhibits Brass Rail Joint Corrosion - Promotes Electrical Connectivity on indoor & outdoor track layouts
$8 - 1 oz bottle

Gorilla Epoxy Putty - Excellent for LGB Locomotives & Train Car Repairs and Modelling - Can be formed & shaped, dries very hard, then sanded and painted.

Liquid Electrical Tape - Excellent for repairs to wire insulation or to insulate decoder's wire connections
$12 - 1 oz tube

BSI Maxi-Cure Extra Thick cyanoacrylate glue - excellent for gluing parts to LGB locomotives and train cars, e.g., volume controller units, speakers, firebox LED units, etc
Can be removed using BSI Uncure. Apply with disposable small paint brushes. Does not "run" like the regular glue.
$12 - 2 oz plastic bottle
Epoxy Putty Use Example: LGB Smoke Unit installed inside an LGB Diesel Locomotive

J-B Weld 50132 PlasticWeld 5 Minute Epoxy Syringe - Use for Extra-strong Gluing - Use to Glue Pulsed Smoker Connections inside LGB Locomotive Smokebox - Resistant to Smoke Fluid Deterioration

Miniatronics Solder 4 oz Spool: 60/40 .03 Diameter Rosin Core High Grade

Klein 1/16 Inch 2 Inch Shank Screwdriver for ESU 5XL Decoder's Screw Terminals


LGB E126050 (62201) Short Shaft Motor - Fits Most LGB Locomotives

LGB E147916 Buhler Motor for LGB Draisines or LGB Handcars 2001, 20010, 21010, 22010, 23010. Locomotives. Motor terminals on rear.
LGB E129994 (62204) Long Shaft Motor - Fits LGB Mogul Locomotives

LGB E256533 - Fits LGB Chloe, Olomana & Newer Field Railway Locomotives. Motor terminals on rear.

CL22209 (Formerly LGB E195319) - Fits first version of LGB Olomana, LGB 20130 Chloe & some Field Railway Locomotives. Motor terminals on front.
LGB E132062 Buhler Motor for LGB Track Cleaning Locomotives' Track Cleaning Unit

LGB 62207 Buhler Motor for Older Versions of the LGB Porter Steam Locomotive Made in Korea such as 2077D Daisy, Rusty, and 2177D Helena. Note: These motors are no longer produced and difficult to find.

LGB 67419 Sold Metal Wheels Sets for Train Cars - 2 Pack

LGB 67319 Spoked Metal Wheels Sets for Train Cars - 2 Pack

Bachmann 92421 Metal Wheels for LGB Train Cars - Excellent low cost wheels for replacing plastic wheels which cause plastic dust and electrical connectivity issues on brass track.
$22 - 4 Pack

LGB E67267 Track Cleaning Replacement Wheels with Abrasive Rings for LGB 20670/21670 Locomotives

LGB 67403 Ball Bearing Wheels with 4 Push Pin Wire Connectors. Use two of these wheels on your LGB passenger cars to provide track power for installing incandescent or LED lights. The Massoth LED light strips listed on the Massoth DCC Decoders & Components page, both 100mm and 330mm versions, are ideal for passenger cars lights using either DC or DCC current. They are bright even when your train operates in slow speed.
$37.50 - 2 pack
LGB E238704/E126044 Wheel/Axle/Gear Set for LGB Forney Locomotives without Factory Sound (20251 - 27253) With Traction Wheel (Traction Tire $2 Extra)
$50 Per Two Wheels Set
LGB E132024 and E137859 Wheel Sets with Gear. These are the same wheel set with 34 tooth gears except the E137859 has a traction tire wheel. Fits LGB Locomotives 20202, 20350, 20390, 20510, 20520, 20670, 20970, 21355, 21360, 21500, 21510, 21522, 22330, 22355, 22500, 22604, 23330, 23510, 24512, 25604, 69172, 69272, 69476. Can also be used for replacing the wheel sets in the LGB 91950 Amtrak Motor Blocks.
$20 per Wheel Set

Wheel Sets with Gear for LGB F7A, Alco & Genesis Diesel Locomotives. Version with Traction Tire Goove also Available.

LGB E195170 Wheel Set with Gear and Traction Tire Grove for LGB 2085D and Newer DR Mallet Steam Locomotives.
LGB E195145 Wheel Set with Gear Without Traction Tire Grove for LGB 2085D and Newer DR Mallet Steam Locomotives.
LGB E195141 Wheel Set with Spigot for LGB 2085D and Newer DR Mallet Steam Locomotives.
LGB E133988 Wheel Set with Gear for LGB 2085D and Newer DR Mallet Steam Locomotives.

LGB E195100 Single-Point Top Cover for the Front Motor Block for LGB 2085D and Newer DR Mallet Steam Locomotives. This cover is required for replacing the older verison Motors in the 2085D Model.

LGB E195151 Two-Point Top Cover for the Rear Motor Block for LGB 2085D and Newer DR Mallet Steam Locomotives. This cover is required for replacing the older version Motors in the 2085D Model.

LGB 67370 Trucks with Couplers, 2 Pack for Passenger Cars 3070 and 3071.

LGB 67380 US Passenger Trucks, 2 Pack including 3080 & 3180.

LGB 67402 Archbar Freight Trucks for American Freight Cars, 2 Pack. Set includes 1 Truck with Hook and Loop Coupler; and 1 Truck with Only the Loop.

LGB 67302 Single-Axle Trucks for European Two Axles Train Cars, 2 Pack.

MLT 80502009 Clock Pulse Generator with Axle Magnet with Screw Attachment - No need to remove the Axle to Install. Use for Steam Chuff Sounds on DCC/DC Sound Decoders or Analog Sound Boards

MLT 80501008 Universal Clock Pulse Generator.
MLT 80501000 Clock Pulse Generator for LGB Motor Blocks. Connector also fits LGB 65001 Sound Modules. Note: My require mounting modifications to your motor block.
ML 80501002 Clock Pulse Generator with Connector for LGB Motor Blocks.

Self-Stick Auto Metal Wheel Weights. Use for adding more weight to your locomotives and train cars. Six pieces of 1 oz. sections strips that you can separate into various lengths using a box cutter blade. You can stack multiple sections on top of each other with their self-stick adhesive.
$2 per 6 piece strip.

Massoth 8101200 Rolling Roads for G Scale - 3 Piece Set. Operate your locomotive on a test track or display track with these units.

E183408 LGB Forney Locomotive Cow Catcher Assembly Set
LGB 62007 or E133761 Idler Gear for various LGB (2x18x or 2x19x ), U-engine (2x70x, 2x71x,2x271) Locomotives, e.g., Mogul; F7A; Alco; Zillertahl.
31/34 Tooth Gear
$9 2-Pack
LGB E239386 LGB Forney Locomotive Rear Truck Frames, Black Color, with Track Power Carbon Pickup Devices.
$22 each

E279295 & E279294 LGB F7A Diesel Locomotive Front & Rear Complete Motor Blocks: New Wheels, Motor, Sliders, Gears. Rear Motor Block also has an Installed Traction Tire & Reed Switch.
$115 each - Orders will be Drop Shipped Directly to You from Marklin USA

LGB 62145 Idler Gears for LGB Uintah & Euro Mallet Locomotives; LGB Starter Sets 34/25 Tooth Gear
$15 2 Pack
CL30338 Gear Helical 34 Teeth for LGB B-Type Motor Blocks with Short Shaft Motors such as LGB 2076D, LGB 69572, LGB ICE Train 90160, etc.
$12 2 Pack

CL30441 Axle Gear Helical 34 Teeth for LGB B-Type Motor Blocks with Screw-on Wheels (old Stainz, Crocodile, etc.
$12 2 Pack
CL30351 Axle Gear Straight 38 Teeth for LGBMogul locomotives (2018D, 2019D, 23192 etc.), the RhB locomotives of the type Ge 2/4 (LGB 2044, 2045, 21450, 22450, 23450 etc.), the DB and HSB Köfs of the type 21935, 22930 and 23930, all US steam locomotives of the type Uintah (20882, 21881, 20892), as well as the US Alco diesel locomotives (20550, 20560, 22562 etc.). Use with LGB® 62204/CL22204 motor (with long shaft).
$12 2 Pack

CL30038/CL30400 Front Tender Coupler Assembly for multiple LGB Steam Locomotives & Tenders - Screws Not Included.
$11 per 2-Piece Set
LGB 64407 Standard Hook & Look Couplers for LGB Locomotives & Cars
All Versions LGB Couplers Are Available
LGB 64193 American Knuckle Coupler
$15 2 Pack

CL30401 Coupler LGB Tender Steam Locomotives.
$11 per 2-Piece Set

Massoth 844200 Automatic Switching Un-coupler. This is the new, upgraded version.
$65 each or $120 for 2 Pack
These Auto Couplers can be used with most DCC decoders.....see the video demonstration using the coupler with an ESU 5XL DCC Sound Decoder.

LGB/Massoth 63218 Power Pickup Slider Shoes for most LGB Locomotives
$10 - 2 Pack; $18 - 4 Pack

LGB 63120-1 14mm or LGB 63120-2 16mm Carbon Brushes for LGB Locomotives
$5 - 2 Pack; $8 - 4 Pack; $15 - 8 Pack
LGB 63112/CL21110 Carbon Brushes & Springs for Older LGB Locomotives & Tenders
$10 - 4 Pack

LGB 63193 Electrical Contact Set for Metal Wheels

LGB 65012 Sound Unit Function Trigger (Reed Switch) for Locomotive Whistle & Bell Using Track Magnets - Attaches to LGB Tender's Truck

MLT 80501022 Volume Control Board with 25mm Knob (POT) with 3-Pin Cable/Plug
MLT 80501025 Reed Switch Unit for Locomotive Whistle & Bell Using Track Magnets - Insert into LGB locomotive motor block
Massoth 8242020 Reed Switch - Whistle/Horn/Bell Sound Activation Trigger
ML80501013 Reed Switch for Motor Block - Whistle/Horn/Bell Sound Activation Trigger
MLT80501011 Reed Switch for Motor Block - Whistle/Horn/Bell Sound Activation Trigger

MLT 805010221 Volume Control Board with Short Knob (POT) with 3-Pin Cable/Plug

Massoth 8242010 Volume Control Board (POT) with 3-Pin Cable/Plug. Note: Do not use with ESU DCC Sound Decoders.

MLT 80501023 Assorted Lengths Volume Control Knobs
$1 each

LGB E126174 Traction Tire for Most LGB Locomotives - 37.5mm
$2 each; $8.50 5 Pack; $15 10 Pack
LGB E131368 Traction Tire for larger wheels such as the Mogul and 20230-series Steam Locomotives - 46.5mm
$2 each; $8.50 5 Pack; $15 10 Pack
LGB E136259 Traction Tire for Mikado Locomotives
$2 each; $8.50 5 Pack
LGB E145062 Traction Tire for Small Locomotives
$2 each; $8.50 5 Pack
I have an inventory of many additional Mogul and Stainz locomotive parts not shown on this page - Contact me for your locomotive repair parts needs

LGB 20280-E136 Mogul Smoke Box - Silver. This is used on the Moguls with the Large Wood Burning Funnel Stacks. The Coal Burning Smoke Box is Not Available.
LGB E315534 4-Pin Mogul Motor Block Top & Bottom Covers - New Version
LGB 20280-E130 Mogul Smoke Box - Black. This is used on Moguls with the Large Wood Burning Funnel Stacks. The Coal Burning Smoke Box is Not Available.

LGB 23193-066 4-Pin Motor Block Frame - New Version

Massoth 8242060 Flickering Firebox LED Module - 0 - 24 Volts DC/DCC/AC

LGB 20180 Red Boiler for Mogul Locomotives.

LGB 23182 Grey Boil for Mogul Locomotives

LGB 20180CC Brass Metal Rods for Mogul Cow Catcher

LGB E239386 Mogul Tender Truck Frames, Black Color, with Track Power Carbon Pickup Devices.
$22 each

LGB E174475 Mogul Locomotive Pilot Wheels Set

LGB E174451 Mogul Locomotive Front Wheels Set with Gear. Also use for the rear wheels set if hall sensor magnet not required.

LGB E174467 Mogul Locomotive Middle Wheels Set

LGB E298231 Mogul Locomotive Rear Wheels Set with Gear & Hall Sensor Magnet

LGB E298252 Mogul Locomotive Tender's Wheels Set with Track Power Pickup Units

LGB E315538 Mogul Locomotive Piston Rod Assembly

LGB E315543 Mogul Locomotive Drive Rod
$7 each

Replacement Barrel Smoke Stack for the Following LGB Mogul Locomotives: 2018D, 2028D, 20280, 21181, 22182, 22185, 23182, 24182, 26182, 27182, 29182, 29192.

LGB E315469 Mogul Headlight Assembly with White Insert & Lense

CL30404 Steam Generator for Mogul Boiler. The 3 pieces require easy assembly.
$10 each

E315549 Air Cylinder Unit for Mogul Tenders
$8 each

LGB E315514 Mogul Cab Hand Rails and Underside Pipes

E315512 Water Pump, Handwheel & Flag Poles Set for Mogul. The flag poles can be painted with gold plastic paint, if desired.

LGB 20280-E008 Mogul Headlight Base Black or Gold Color for E315469

LGB E315547 Steps for Mogul Tenders
$10 - 2 Pack
$18 - 4 Pack

E315546 Handwheel, Grab Rails, Hoses, Rear Rod Bar for Mogul Tenders

LGB E278188 Replacement Pulsed Smoke Generator for Newer LGB Locomotives with Factory LGB MSD3 mfx/dcc/analog Sound Decoders

E315537 Mogul Motor Block Repair Parts Set.
Boiler Grab Rail Supports for LGB Mogul and Forney Steam Locomotives
CL30398 - Short Version for Rear
CL30399 -Long Version for Front
$2.50 each

MTS 2018007P Mogul Tender 6-Pin Circuit Board (without red wire)
CL65520 Mogul Motor Block Slider Shoe Base Frame.

CL65520-X Mogul Motor Block Slider Shoe Complete Assembly: Base Frame with Slider Shoes, Springs, and Brass Plates. Replaces Existing Worn Slider Shoe Assembly on your Mogul's Motor Block.
LGB 20180-E124 Mogul Tender Circuit Board 3-Pin or 6-Pin
$8.50 each
LGB Mogul Tender Water Bunker Cover - These replacement covers were produced in Germany. Or, you can use the substitute item shown below to simulate a water cover.....just glue it onto the opening on your tender.
$5 each
MLT 80501004 Combined Reed Switch & Chuff Sensor for Newer Mogul Locomotives

LGB E165865 Bell Gold Matte with Bracket for Mikado & 22230/22232 0-4-0 Steam Locomotives

LGB E315504 Safety Relief Valves Gold Matte Color Set for Steam Dome for LGB Moguls: 2018, 2028, 2019S, etc

CL30044 LGB Mogul Gold Flag Poles; Can be Used on other Locomotives
$3 each; $5 2 Pack

LGB E315489 Bell Gold Matte Color with Bracket for LGB Mogul Locomotives

LGB E130023 5 Volt Push-Pin Clear Bulbs - Most LGB Locomotives' Headlights/Taillights use 5 Volt bulbs
$2 each; $8.50 5 Pack; $15 10 Pack

CL60035 5 Volt Push-Pin Yellow Bulbs
$2 each; $8.50 5 Pack; $15 10 Pack
Massoth 8311210 19 Volt Push-Pin Clear Bulbs
$2 each; $8.50 5 Pack; $15 10 Pack
LGB E130110 24 Volt Push-Pin Clear Bulbs
$2 each; $8.50 5 Pack; $15 10 Pack

LGB E130101 5 Volt Push-Pin Red Light Bulb
$2 each; $8.50 5 Pack; $15 10 Pack

Massoth 8311801 Socket for LGB Locomotive Push-Pin Light Bulbs. Solder two wires to the two solder pins to make a headlight or rear light for your locomotive.
$2 each; $9 - 5 Pack

LGB E130116 18 Volt E5 Screw Base Light Fixture & Bulb with Wires. An LED screw base light bulb can be used to replace the incandescent bulb using one of the LED bulbs listed below.
$5 each
CL61150 Locomotive & Tender Lamp Fixture with Wires for Push-Pin Light Bulbs. Use either an incandescent or LED push-pin light bulb.
$5 each

LGB E130121 18 Volt E5 Base Screw In Yellow Bulb for Older LGB Locomotives with 18 Volt Lights.
$2 each; $8.50 5 Pack; $15 10 Pack

LGB E131219 24 Volt Push-Pin Red Light Bulb
$2 each; $8.50 5 Pack; $15 10 Pack

CL52001 Light Bulb Removal Tool

23154 E5 Base Screw-In Bulb with Solder Tabs - For Incandescent or LED Light Bulbs
$.50 each; $2 5 Pack

LED 5MM 20mA 3.2 - 3.4 Forward Voltage Input: Replace the 5v. incandescent push-pin light bulbs in your LGB Locomotives with these easy to install LED light bulbs. Current Draw 20mA. Three versions are available: Round Top Bright White; Flat Top Concave Wide Angle Warm Soft White; and Straw Hat Concave Warm White. The Flat Top and Straw Hat Concave Versions fit best in LGB Locomotive Headlight and Rear Light Fixtures. You can bend the pins at a 90 degree angle for fitment into the Locomotive or Tender Light Fixtures. WARNING: You must use an LED resistor, LED Current Limiter Drivers or Step Down Voltage Regulator shown below to control the voltage and current when installing these bulbs, or they will burn out.
$2 each; $8.50 - 5 Pack
LED 3MM 20mA 3.0 - 3.2 Forward Voltage Input: White Round Dome Bulb or Flat Top Bulb (shorter). Replace the 5v. incandescent push-pin light bulbs in your LGB Locomotives with these easy to install LED light bulbs. WARNING: You must install resistors, LED Current Limiter Drivers or a DC Step Down Regulator listed below to prevent bulb burnout. Specify which bulb version you want to purchase, regular bulb or flat top bulb.
$2 each; $8.50 - 5 Pack
MLT LED 3MM 5 - 24 Volts Input with Built-in Resistors. Replace the 5v. incandescent push-pin light bulbs in your LGB Locomotives with these easy to install LED light bulbs. No resistors or current limiters required. Note: These bulbs can actually activate with even 3 volts input current.
Current Draw 15mA at 24 volts.
MLT83801210 - Warm White
MLT83801240 - Bright White
MLT83801220 - Red
MLT 83801250 - Yellow
MLT 83801230 - Green
$2 each; $8.50 - 5 Pack